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Look Rich Without Selling Your Sole!

Invest in a few basics (black high heel pumps with ankle straps, beige stiletto heels, turquoise stiletto heels), add attention getting accents (a sexy ankle bracelet, thigh high stocking or panty hose, startlingly placed rhinestones) to look like a million.

Sexy stilettos sexy stilettos. inspire your partner!
...Men just can't resist them.

Heels that flatter your legs, like nobody's business.



Baby Doll Pumps

Pumps w/ Ankle

Sling Back Pumps

Classic Pumps

Don't you deserve a new pair of shoes?  Reward yourself with a pair of sexy, seductive pumps

  • Buy pumps and save money with the ageless classic style of the pump. A necessary part of any women's (and some men's) shoe wardrobe. 

  • For years the sexy stiletto heel pump has stimulated men's fantasies.

  • Match your outfit or you mood with traditional style and array of colors.

  • Pumps are a classic style and will continued to be stylish, year after year.

  • Nothing makes a women look as feminine or have a hit of vintage charm as classic pumps.

  • You'll see a woman carelessly dressed with sloppy jeans... But, if she is wearing a sexy stiletto heel pump, you see her in an entirely different way...  Sexy and Attractive...

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Prices and availability subject to change without notice.

PO Box 251546
Plano, TX 75025-1546

[email protected]
(800) 878-6670 - (972) 377-8860
(972) 377-5974 FAX

(c) Affections