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Henry Margu Wigs
Costume Wigs
Synthetic Wigs

ATTENTION Ladies and Gentlemen:

Want to make his head spin, his knees weak, and his toes curl?  Become a sensible seductress with wigs by Henry Margu.

Try Henry Margu wigs and leave the frizzies & fly-aways behind.

Womens wigs from Henry Margu turn your dream girl into reality plus.  Surprise him with your new hair style, color, or both.  Will he recognize you?  Play a little romantic Roulette.  Oh let the fun begin.!!

Our Incognito line of costume wigs  are for the fashion conscious and the fun loving. Incognito® turns an ordinary day or night into an adventure.  We even carry  pink wigs and a blue wig.  Imagine the showgirls in Las Vegas and synthetic wigs they wear...oh, what a erotic appetizer.

If you are looking for cheap wigs then you probably need to go to a party store.  Quality wigs such as the ones we carry, made by Henry Margu, are top of the line quality.

What are Henry Margu wigs and hairpieces made of?
The majority of our styles are produced with synthetic modacrylic fiber. Various types of fibers and colors are blended together to achieve the optimum mix to ensure the beauty and manageability of our wigs and hairpieces, and the most realistic appearance possible.

The benefit of this synthetic fiber is that it maintains its color and curl, and is not affected by environmental conditions such as heat and humidity. The modern synthetics are easy to care for and help make our styles ready-to-wear.

Exclusive fiber finishing techniques that Henry Margu has developed over our more than 50 years in business aid in making the fiber extremely soft and silky feeling almost as if it is human hair.

CLICK HERE for Henry Margu Wigs


All images of Henry Margu products are copyrighted by Henry Margu, Inc. and cannot be reproduced without the permission of Henry Margu, Inc

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